Established: January 2006
Mission Statement
To recognize and honor alumni, to support existing programs while developing innovative initiatives and to uphold the institutional mission of South High School.
History of Pueblo South High School Alumni Foundation
The Pueblo South High School Alumni Foundation (PSHSAF) was founded in 2006 by a dedicated group of alumni. At the 40th Reunion of the Class of 1965, members of the class toured the school with Principal Jim Wessely and were confronted with school band parents repairing holes in band uniforms probably dating from the 1960s and '70s. Because of limited state funding, it was obvious that some effort to assist in fundraising for the school was an important thing to do.
At that time another group of alumni was having difficulty finalizing and agreeing to the mission of a foundation. With Mr. Wessely’s assistance, the Class of ’65 took the lead with many other dedicated alumni to create the Pueblo South High School Alumni Foundation, a non-profit entity registered with the IRS as a 501c3 and the Colorado Secretary of State’s office. All donations to the foundation are tax deductible.
The first major project of the foundation was to create the Hall of Fame student assembly, dinner, and silent auction. While a number of former alumni had been selected to the Hall of Fame, there was no standard process or documentation. The foundation has created a process that has been in place for more than a decade now, to recognize alumni in the Hall of Fame and to raise monies from the dinner and other benefactors to promote projects that are listed under Disbursements. At the 50th anniversary of South High in 2009, nearly 500 alumni, supporters and friends attended the Hall of Fame Dinner. As of this writing, the amount of funds raised by the foundation is nearing $750,000.
Charter Board Members
Sharon Swerdfeger, '65 Jack Croasdell, '65
Dwight Hunter, ’65 Jackie Helzer, '85
Vice President
Cathy Jacobs Holmes, '66 Tom Mauro, '65
Steve Shirley, ’75 Jo Ann McKlem, '64
Jim Wessely Matt Lane
Principal Activities Director