2020 Hall of Fame Inductees

Gail Klock ('65)
Gail Klock was an outstanding member of the Pueblo South High School Class of 1965. She served as the Head Girl and was an outstanding athlete. She carried her athletic abilities to Colorado State University where she graduated and received a Master of Science in PE from the University of North Carolina in Greensboro. She coached basketball, volleyball, and softball at Wake Forest, Brown, Springfield, and became one of the first women coaches at the Colorado School of Mines. She taught for 10 years in Jefferson County Schools in Colorado and retired from there having taught in the gifted/talented program. While coaching at Mines she and her long-time partner had two daughters through artificial insemination. As a retiree, she enjoys helping take care of her granddaughter, playing senior basketball, writing/listening to stories in the storytelling group, gardening, reading, and attending OLOC and other GLBT organizations.
In her senior years, Gail has coached a senior women's softball team called the Colorado Peaches that won a national silver medal in 2019. She coached the games in that tournament via cell phone from her hospital bed. This piece of information comes from a feature article done by Mike Kizla in the Denver Post.
Gail is truly a pioneer in many ways breaking through the glass ceilings as a woman faculty member and coach and overcoming many barriers placed in her path as a homosexual woman. Gail was immediately and unanimously approved into the SHS Hall of Fame upon her nomination. She was inducted in her home with four of her classmates in attendance, three of whom serve on the Board of the Alumni Foundation. Gail Klock’s induction into the Hall of Fame is a rare bright spot in this challenging year.