Hall of Fame Individual Recognition

David Wilkerson, Principal
Inductee 1978
First Principal South High School 1959-1973

James D. Smith, Athletic Director 1968-1976
Inductee 1978

John DeNardo

Charles DePietro

Nanine Wainwright (86')
Inductee 1986
Winner of Boettcher Scholarship

Hon. Raymond Dean Jones ('63)
Inductee 1987
Colorado's First African-American District Judge
Mr. Jones has more than 45 years of experience in the legal field. He is an Attorney with The Holt Group, LLC which is a law firm in Denver, Colorado. He specializes in construction law, arbitration and litigation. Mr. Jones serves as a mediator for insurance companies. Previously, he served over 32 years as a Judge. He is a member of the National Bar Association, American Bar Association and the Sam Cary Bar Association. Mr. Jones was born in Colorado and obtained a B.A. from Colorado College in 1967, a J.D. from Harvard University School of Law in 1971 and a Ph.D. (Honorary) from Colorado College. In his spare time he enjoys working with the Colorado elderly community, and tutoring school children.

Mark Rodriquez (87')
Inductee 1987
Football, Colorado "Athlete of the Year"

Jim Daugherty, Coach
Inductee 1989
First Wrestling Coach at South

Martha Gorder, Faculity
Inductee 1990
Ms. Martha Gorder, one of the charter staff, wrote the song at the request of Principal Wilkerson. Ms. Gorder sent her song to a friend in the world famous music department of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Movie Studios, and she created the arrangement that we use today. It has been copyrighted and belongs to South High School alone. Ms. Gorder paid with a box of cookies for a professional arrangement that otherwise would have cost thousands of dollars. She founded girls cabinet at South in 1959.

Jeff Bonaquista (85')
Inductee 1990
Baseball, Played on State/NCAA Championship Teams

Joel Herzog
Inductee 1997
Tennis, 3yr, Letterman, 4yr. College player, Youth instructor