Mission Statement
To recognize and honor alumni, to support existing programs while developing innovative initiatives and to uphold the institutional mission of South High School.
email: shsfoundation@comcast.net
Mail address: P.O. Box 1065, Pueblo, CO 81002
SHSAF Established: January 2006
Cash and In-Kind Spending Estimate since 2006: Nearing $709,420
August 2022-July 2023
After Prom- $2,000
Girls Soccer Uniforms- $1,767
PE Equipment- $1,500
Letter Jackets for Students in Need -$975
Yearbooks for Students in Need -$750
Lawnmower for Sports Fields- $600
Backpacks- $500
Class Rep Meeting -$325
Powder Puff Jerseys -$300
YTD TOTAL = $8,717
August 2021-July 2022
2 Courtyard Benches- $2,896
Principal's Discretionary Fund - $2,000
Pueblo South Girls Softball Field Improvements- $1,000
Pueblo South High Boys Basketball Pep Bus- $848
Dance Team- $700
Senior Jam (After Prom)- $1,500
Letter Jackets for Students in Need- $900
Yearbooks for Students in Need- $750
Standardized Testing Prizes- $500
Pueblo Levee Mural Project- $750
Backpack for Students During Holidays- $375
YTD TOTAL = $12,219
August 2020-July 2021
Prom Dress In-kind Donation by Tom and Joie Mauro, $2,200
Volleyball Uniforms - $2,500
Football team sponsorship - $350
Basketball Uniforms - $2,000
Culture of Learning Scholarship - $5,000 ($1,000 over past 5 years)
Cannon Game Football T-shirts, $428
YTD TOTAL = $12,478
August 2019-July 2020
Additional funding for Chromebooks for cart and 6 additional Chromebooks, $2,927
New flags for Veteran’s Memorial
New projection screen for Auditorium, $3,149
Principal’s Discretionary Fund, $2,000
Speech and Debate Club plus, $1,250
After Prom, $2,000
Scoreboard Table, $3,520.50
Soccer Team Uniforms, $1,650
AVAR Electric for Rebuild Outbuilding, $5,000
Gift Cards for Testing Incentives, $500
20 Yearbooks for Needy Students, $1,500
Senior T-Shirts, $541.60
We Stand Together Graduation Ceremony for seniors, $1,500
August 2018--July 2019
Teacher luncheon to start school year, $300
Refurbish portable cooler (parts, donated alumni labor) for gym, $130
Projects for Art, Science and Physical Education departments, $12,600
(kiln, supplies for students to restore white horse), electronic measuring scales, 10 PE uniforms
for needy students, mats for multipurpose exercise room)
Student buses to boys & girls state basketball tournaments, $400
Culture of Learning Award, $1,000
After Prom, $1,500
Rebuilt 1971 outbuilding cost donated (Rhonda & Jim Brunjak), $31,814
(for bad weather use by baseball, softball, B&G golf, cheer/dance teams (replaced siding, roofing, insulation, OSB board (paint by D60), heater, artificial turf)
Electric setup, lights installed in outbuilding, $8,000
Letter jackets for needy students (6), $1,800
Principal’s Discretionary Fund (t-shirts for perfect attendance, 8th Grade Parents Night), $2,000
Replace 2 worn euphoniums & missing or worn drumline components, $8,232
Recover 4 athletic trainer tables with new pads and covers, $450
South courtyard, new hoses, $104
Key Club district convention, $450
Math 107/108 class (20 students take through PCC for graduation requirement), $1,500
Gift cards to encourage student testing attendance, $500
Yearbook for freshman Colt who attended 8th Grade Parent Night (2018)
YTD TOTAL = $70,855
August 2017--July2018
Teachers’ luncheon to start school year, $450
T-shirts for 8th Grade Open House, $350
Speech and Debate Club support, $1,000
Principal’s Discretionary Fund (buses to state football title game, etc.), $2,000
Principal’s Discretionary Fund (buses to state basketball tourneys: $1,250
South High swimming pool lane lines, $1,275
Culture of Learning Award, $1,000
Gift cards to support student testing attendance, $500
After Prom support, $1,000
Letter jackets (athletics, 12), $3,600
Letter jackets (DECA Club, 3), $900
Sports Hall of Fame, 3 gym wall display cases, $2,550
South High basketball program ad: $300
South High football program (Kathy West family donation): $300
South High basketball program (Kathy West family donation): $300
South High Vocal Music: student fees (Christian Michael donation), $650
Disney trip, Jan/18, (Christian Michael donation), $1,500
Disney trip, Jan/18, (Angela McHardy Mazur donation), $500
South High Courtyard wall plates, sail shades, slag, trees fertilized, $4,530
Courtyard pavers, silica sand, $5,533
Courtyard sale shade poles w/Colt logo (Speken Iron & Metal), $518
Courtyard welding hooks on shade poles (Justin Hasenack), $250
Courtyard pavers dirt prep donated (Swerdfeger & Sons), $10,000
Courtyard donated labor to install pavers (Doug Stout), $10,000
Courtyard donated students, alumni labor (120 hours), $1,200
Courtyard donations (over 3 years, Sun State Equipment), $950
7 Project, Student Character Assembly, $1,000
3 racks of Apple Chromebooks (90 tablets), $26,000 (Rhonda & Jim Brunjak)
Veterans Court of Honor, new flags for each branch of service flagpole, $150
South Football Team Golf Tournament, $350
YTD TOTAL = $79,906
August 2016---July 2017
Teachers’ luncheon to start school year, $450
Culture of Learning Award scholarship, $1,000
South Football Team Golf Tournament, $350
South High Key Club, convention cost, $1,000
Principal’s Discretionary Fund, $2,000
10 annuals for needy students, $750
Pixalot (gym camera system to broadcast games/matches), $2,000
Buses to boys and girls state basketball tournaments, $850
Gift cards to boost student testing attendance, $500
After-prom, $1,000
New gym sound system, $1,000
90 Chrome books with 3 carts (Rhonda & Jim Brunjak donation), $26,000
Girls swim team warmup parkas, $1,500
DECA, 2 letter jackets, $600
Letter jackets for academics, band, athletics (16), $4,800
Speech/debate team, $500
Popcorn machine, special education students fundraiser (matching grant), $700
YTD TOTAL = $45,000
August 2015-July 2016
Teacher lunch to begin school year, $500
Principal’s Discretionary Fund, $1,000
Courtyard bricks (Summit Brick Co.), $3,828
Courtyard drain (labor/materials donated, (Swerdfeger & Sons), $10,000
Courtyard expenses (Neil Woodward), $500
Courtyard retention wall, $3,500
Courtyard survey & labor donated (Dan Holmes), $1,800
Courtyard walkway LED lights, Pueblo Electrics, $1,872
Freshman Success Parents Night, $300
Speech and Debate Club restart (seed money), $2,000
South Football Team Golf Tournament, $350
Letters for academic, band and athletic jackets, $1,000
Letter jackets for academics, band, dance/cheer, athletics (16), $4,800
After Prom (host site and prizes), $1,650
Gift cards to support student testing attendance, $500
2017 Prom support for sophomores, $300
Summer musical, $250
YTD TOTAL = $34,150
August 2014--July 2015
Teacher lunch to begin school year, $500
TI math calculators, $10,400
Courtyard laying bricks, “S” & prep work, DS Masonry, $3,500
Labor donated by DS (Doug Stout), $7,100
Dirt prep for bricks donated, (Swerdfeger, $15,000
CCI for courtyard (8 benches, 4 tables), $7,000
Principal’s Discretionary Fund, $2,000
Band fundraising, 50-50 drawings, $2,000
Prior band student donations, $9,300
Letter jackets for academics, band, dance/cheer, athletics (16), $4,800
Veterans Memorial flags (split cost with JROTC), $70
50-inch screen TV/monitor for football (Sharon & Keith Swerdfeger donation), $500
South musical, $2,500
Furniture for Media Center, $3,000
After Prom, $1,500
Summer musical, $250
PARC test incentives, $1,000
JROTC Raider team, $1,250
Pegasus printing, $450
Cannon Game pom-poms, $1,000
Football team shirts, shorts & golf tourney sponsorship, $2,100
School history video narrated by Dr. David Wilkerson, first principal, $750
YTD TOTAL = $75,970
August 2013--July 2014
Ray Miller scholarship, $500
Teacher lunch to begin school year, $400
Seed money for freshman class, $300
Open house for class representatives, $200
March band drumline uniforms, $150
Veterans Memorial flags (split cost with JROTC), $200
Letter jackets for academics, band, athletics (16 x $300), $4,800
Cheerleader uniform, $300
South musical, $2,500
After Prom, $1,500
TCAP incentives, $1,000
Special needs students dance, $250
TI math calculators (Dave Robb=$1,000, math class=$600), $1,600
TI calculators (Legacy Foundation donation), $10,000
TI math calculators, $16,250
Printing of Pegasus magazine, $1,000
Principal’s Discretionary Fund, (gold and silver cords for graduation), $1,000
Summer musical, $250
Ray Brunjak Counseling Center upgrade ($5,000 with family match), $10,000
YTD TOTAL = $52,200
August 2012--July 2013
Ray Miller scholarship, $500
Teacher lunch to begin school year, $550
Veterans Court flagpoles and flags, $3,000
Concrete, labor donated by Phil Cullin, $2,800
Final costs, $819
Plaque for Ray Brunjak Counseling Center, $400
50 iPads w/carts, 2 MacBooks donated (Rhonda & Jim Brunjak) $27,000
Hotel costs split, state band competition, $900
South vocal music program (Gershwin rights), $2,500
South marching band (music rights), $5,000
Letter jackets for academics, band, athletics (16), $4,000
After Prom, $1,500
Help restart girls’ soccer program, $2,500
TCAP incentives, $2,000
Larger state championship team photos, $250
30 iPads w/cart (Brunjaks donation), $21,400
Principal’s Discretionary Fund, $2,000
Replenish Principal’s Discretionary Fund, $2,000
Buy 5-foot black colt to auction off at HOF banquet, $1,100
Cannon Game event in fall, $200
YTD TOTAL = $76,989
August 2011--July 2012
Ray Miller scholarship, $500
Teacher lunch to begin school year, $500
10 more iPads for teachers, $5,000
South mural on Arkansas River levee, $300
Principal’s Discretionary Fund for teacher copies, $3,000
iPad accessories, $2,500
Electronic upgrade to post Round-up newspaper online, $300
After Prom, $1,500
20 more iPads (w/cart), $7,980
Advanced Placement test fee waiver (37 students), $555
Colorado Grants Guide (all agencies), $185
App for teaching special needs students to grocery shop, $500
Letter jackets for academics, band, dance/cheer, athletics (16), $4,000
South Football Team Golf Tournament, $350
4 sections of metal bleachers & picnic tables (donated Lowry AFB), $100,000
2 mobile pro basketball standards (donated Lowry AFB), $2,000
2 trips to move bleachers, etc., from Lowry to South, and donated by Swerdfegers & Sons, $3,000
5 more iPads, $2,500
YTD TOTAL = $134,170
August 2010--July 2011
Teacher BBQ lunch to begin school year, $900
Ray Miller scholarship, $500
Wessely Conference Room (20 padded chairs), $2,985
(paint the room, sink, wall mural), $1,338
After Prom, $1,500
Career Fair, $500
Championship team banners for South gym, $1,000
Principal’s Discretionary Fund, $2,500
Distance Learning Lab electronic equipment, $3,547
DLL clicker technology (40 units), $1,800
Cannon Game fireworks share, $750
South Hall of Fame banquet prep support, $1,500
10 iPads for teachers, $5,000
iMac for stage crew, $1,500
Glass basketball backboards, South gym, $4,496
Earth Day garden, $500
Veterans Memorial obelisk, $1,000
South Football Team Golf Tournament, $350
Foundation website update, $900
Letter jackets for academics, band, dance/cheer, athletics (16 x $250), $4,000
YTD TOTAL = $36,566
August 2009--July 2010
Career Fair, $500
Bought and donated 2 pieces of art for South, $700
Cannon repainted (DS Paints donated labor, paint), $2,000
CSAP testing incentives, $1,500
Buses for state basketball tournaments, $1,000
Website renewal fees, $170
Website upkeep (Jeff Shay), $100
Ray Miller scholarship, $500
After Prom, $1,800
Mounts for classroom TVs, $1,475
T-shirts for Colt Connections (replaces LINK program), $500
L. Oringdulph, help with Colt Connections, $50
Replace 13 outside benches, fix/repaint giant horseshoe, (2009 class donation), $2,000
Gift certificates for teachers meeting, $25 x 4 = $100
Cannon Game fireworks share, $750
5013{c} non-profit status costs, $750
Sicilian Choir performance @ Carnegie Hall (many donations), $4,600
Wrestling mat (donation by Sharon & Keith Swerdfeger), $7,000
South musical, headsets, CSAP support and lunch, $5,685
Folklorico costumes for Spanish Club, $800
Gym repainted and wall padding, $2,500
Football team golf tourney, $250
Digital Scanner, Journalism Department, $2,300
Principal’s Discretionary Fund, $2,000
Letter jackets for academics, band, dance/cheer, athletics (16), $4,000
YTD TOTAL = $43,030
August 2008--July 2009
Career Fair, $500
Principal’s Discretionary Fund, $2,000
Ray Miller scholarship, $500
Media Center art project, $500
Cannon Game fireworks, $750
Ads for Kids 1st bond initiative, $500
Holiday appetizers for retired teachers party, $150
Letter jackets for academics, band, dance/cheer, athletics (16), $4,000
YTD TOTAL = $8,900
August 2007--July 2008
Principal’s Discretionary Fund, $2,000
After Prom (matching grant), $1,500
Class of 1988 reunion mixer, $150
Partners in Education (at-risk sophomores/juniors), $500
South alumni stickers, $100
South musical, $2,000
LINK program (matching grant), $1,400
Letter jackets for academics, band, dance/cheer, athletics (14 x $250), $3,500
YTD TOTAL = $11,150
January 2006--July 2007
Band uniforms, $4,200
Tech Club donation, website, $300
DECA fashion show, $50
After Prom (food), $300
Letter jackets for academics, band, dance/cheer, athletics (10), $2,500
YTD TOTAL = $6,850